Convention Committee
Chair: Alain Belanger, Fundraising: Mike Martin, Ritchie Popoff, Steve Tavares Hot Topic: Chris Christidis, Student Program: Jasmine Samadi, Oliver Xiao Technical Program: Bart Kanters, Maria Camila Garrido, Stacia Van Zetten 2220 Stir Crescent, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Y3V3 Cell: 416.846.5766 E-Mail: Web Site:
On behalf of the ACI – Ontario Chapter Board of Directors, we are pleased to invite you to participate in and support the ACI 2025 Toronto Spring Convention.
Who is the American Concrete Institute (ACI)? The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a non-profit technical and educational society organized in 1904 and is one of the world’s leading authorities on concrete technology. ACI is a forum for the discussion of all matters related to concrete and the development of solutions to related problems. ACI conducts this forum through conventions and meetings; the ACI Structural Journal, the ACI Materials Journal, Concrete International, technical publications, chapter activities and technical committee work. As its chartered objective states, its purpose is “to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in spreading that knowledge.”
What is Special About the 2025 Toronto Convention?
This marks the sixth time that the ACI – Ontario Chapter has hosted this prestigious international concrete conference. The Chapter is putting together a program that addresses the net-zero goals of the concrete industry while also identifying the challenges that the future presents to everyone in the construction industry while employing sustainable development principals. Join more than 2000 Engineers, Architects, Contractors, Academia and Suppliers as we exchange ideas on these various subjects.
How Can You Help?
We encourage you to mark the dates of the ACI 2025 Spring Convention in your calendar and to consider the numerous chapter supporter opportunities that are available for this event. The ACI – Ontario Chapter is a non-profit organization which is operated solely by volunteers from the Ontario concrete industry. While it is a great privilege and honour to host an ACI International Convention, an event of this size requires a significant financial commitment from the local ACI Chapter. This financial commitment, in excess of $100,000, necessitates the need to raise significant industry donations and we would strongly encourage you to consider supporting the Ontario Concrete Industry.
How can you help financially? Become a chapter supporter!
Several contribution levels have been established; do you want to support students attending the convention? Do you want to support the Opening Reception or the Concrete Mixer? How about a general donation to the Chapter? Contributions may be spread over a two-year period.
We look forward to your support and we will be in touch in the coming months to follow up directly with you regarding the 2025 Convention. If, upon review of the enclosed information, you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely, Alain, Mike, Ritchie, Steve.